1) Routine You are what you repeatedly do – Excellence, then is not an act, but a habit – Aristotle
Thoughts become your words, your words become your behavior. Your behavior becomes your habits and your habits become your values.
For the pre-routine, you need to do the same behaviors - As you approach the skill from a distance, look at the general aspects of the challenge (batting, fielding, throwing, bunting, etc) and get more specific as you work through your routine. Use positive self-talk as you will be amazed at what you can talk yourself into. Keep negativity away and use thought stopping to enhance your development. Thought stopping means that when you start to have negative thought come into your mind, you STOP them and replace them with positive thoughts.
For the post-routine, you need to allow the reaction to happen, good or bad (you need the release). Analyze what happened and be realistic (A good at-bat that didn't go as planned is NOT a bad outcome (learn to differentiate the two). Clear your mind and be ready for the next thing on the following cycle around the batting order. Also, the failed at bat doesn't correlate with the next defensive half of the inning as they are two totally different movement patterns, so get beyond the past and stay in the present!
2) Repetition, Repetition, Repetition! You need to put in a significant amount of time practicing the skill that you want to be proficient in. Every angle, distance, stance, movement and condition possible and do it with the technique that you intend to use on the fields, gyms or courts. The best route to skill enhancement is – perform game plays or movements, in game spots and at game speeds. Watch the video that I embedded of my training workout in pitching with my GAP wedge (52-degrees and the club between the sand wedge (54 -56 degrees) and the Pitching wedge (48 degrees)...I am working on a "percentage swing" meaning not full swing and the target is 60 yards at the tree line in the distance. Watch my routine and the reps to be as REPEATABLE as possible so when I get into this situation on a real course, my brain can PLUG in the MUSCLE MEMORY ON THE: GAP WEDGE, HALF SWING AT 60 YARDS. Its all about refining and repeating the newly learned movement. If you watch, every repetition with routine, looked the same and no surprise, the same outcome was seen.
3) Regulate Arousal Always have a positive mental outcome in your mind. (I haven't struck out or missed a throw or catch one time, IN MY MIND, in years!). Focus on the immediate task at hand by eliminating distractions both internally (what is happening after practice or the game) and externally (the plane flying overhead, the horn beeping, the crowd heckling, etc.). Don't allow anger or negativity to control your emotional mindset. AND...Keep the game FUN! People think if they play better, they will enjoy the game more, but in reality, if they enjoy the game more, they will play better!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yGgemMMHFs8 – 4 strategies to perform under pressure